Cruz has hit a steep point of decline with voters--conservatives in general. While I believe this drop is partially due to pro-Trump outlets and Red-Pill dispensaries working over time to cast a shadow of doubt upon his political character, I think it has more to do with people simply deciding that Trump is more appropriate as an insurgent candidate at this point in time. At least, that's what I hope.

I drift ever closer toward voting Trump by the day, but that doesn't mean I'll hold Cruz in low esteem for it. At this point, I simply believe that the message of Nationalism is indispensable to our country's successful resurgence from the abyss. For all the love I have for Ted Cruz, he either doesn't have the capacity for--or merely hasn't bothered with--making Nationalism a vehicle for superior conservative ideology. Marketing those ideals during his campaign is perfectly well and fine, but it's low energy if it's not riding a significantly potent, powerfully narrated wave of patriotism. Trump's message is eclipsing Cruz's own for that very reason.

For all the shit being thrown his way by the Trump camp, the man is NOT a Rubio. Politician though he may be, his track record of challenging and pissing off the establishment is not up for debate. I still want him to explain his endorsement of TTP, but he's made too many decisions in the past that conflict with its premise for me to believe that he's in favor of such globalist initiatives--and if /pol/ says otherwise, they're blowing smoke. I do not want Cruz's career to go the way of Rubio's over his showdown with Trump, and no other conservative should either.