Wow. Kasich just suspended his campaign as well.

I agree with virtually all your points in the last few posts, Pariah. I would only clarify this comment...

Hopefully, Germany rediscovers the nationalism that they lost before they're completely consumed by Islam. As it is, their pathologically guilt-driven preoccupation with the 'what would Hitler do' meme is making them too over-scrupulous to defend themselves against cultural incursions (see also: Cologne, et al.).

... saying that there is a difference between healthy nationalism (as in Trump's case the U.S. rejecting open borders and loss of sovereignty, and illegal immigrants who have contempt for our country and protest under Mexican flags, showing where their national loyalties truly are, and the clear undesireability and danger of ever giving these illegal immigrants the slightest legal status in the U.S.).
As opposed to the un-healthy nationalism of Hitler's Germany, so-called National Socialism, that under the veil of preserving Germany, was truly about radically transforming Germany under the guise of preserving the very institutions it was destroying.

But I get your point about the "white guilt" that has endangered Germany, the shame Germans (and the rest of Europe, and white liberals worldwide) feel in the decades after Hitler, that not only makes Europeans resistant to racist nationalism, but far beyond that, paralyzes Europeans from acting in common-sense self-preservation against the clear threat posed by massive (and non-assimilating) muslim immigration. Even when those muslim immigrants manifest their violent anti-European mindset in repeated murderous attacks and in repeated public statements of further intent.

The same white guilt that elected Barack Obama.

The same white guilt in the U.S. (over past racist treatment in the U.S. of blacks, Hispanics, native Americans, and other minorities) that misguidedly makes liberals in the U.S. resist common-sense self-preservation of national sovereignty and identity here, and ignore the clear threat of massive non-assimilating Hispanic immigration, particularly Mexican immigrants (both legal and illegal) who march under Mexican flags, and want to "take back" the U.S. Southwest.

Hispanics who in 5 decades have gone from less than 1% of U.S. population, to 3% by 1980, to 9% by 1990, to about 19% now, and over 25% by 2040. And on a faster track than statistics 20 years ago already made clear.

The path to national suicide by continuing the current immigration policy is clear. And Trump, for one, offers common-sense resistance to that threat, that is resonating along cross-party lines to millions of Americans.