I don't see that there's a case for that, M E M.

That's just the best face-saving spin you can come up with.

FACT: The Washington post has 20 reporters investigating Trump's background, desperately looking for any half-baked allegation to destroy his candidacy.
Number of reporters they have investigating Hillary, despite the incredible stack of FBI-investigated scandals ready to break: Zero.

FACT: The New York Times released an embarrassingly partisan expose of women alleged to have been treated in a demeaning way, some decades ago, by Trump. But multiple women "quoted" in the article have come forward and said the N Y Times completely misrepresented them, and they never felt offended or demeaned by Trump.
Similar stories by the N Y Times about the blatant sexual misconduct and rapes by Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton's war on women to discredit and destroy the women accusing Bill Clinton: Zero.