FBI Director Comey just had a 15-minute press conference where, incredibly, he did NOT recommend prosecution of Hillary Clinton.

So... the fix is in.

That announcement ignores the facts that:

1) While Comey says that there's not enough evidence that Hillary Clinton "intentionally" violated federal laws with her illegal private
e-mail server (outside of the statedepartment.gov secured website), prosecution is still warranted even with unintentional
revealing of classified information (i.e., "gross negligence")

2) Comey ignores that criminal charges have been brought against other State Dept and high level officials, such as David Petraeus,
for far lesser negligence regarding e-mails and classified information.

3) Comey ignores that Hillary Clinton in one e-mail to her staffers to just take away the "classified" headers on an e-mail, before
passing on a classified e-mail to others. That right there manifests willful intent, beyond any doubt.

4) Hillary Clinton's private server not only left her own classified e-mails vulnerable to hacking by the Russians, Chinese, Iranians
and "Goosifer", but also created a path to hack the e-mail accounts of other State Dept, Pentagon and other high-level officials through
their e-mail communication with Hillary Clinton, where their accounts were hacked as well. Goosifer said as much.

And Comey took no questions, that would have allowed these OBVIOUS contradictions from being thrown in his face.

The Democrats will use this announcement as an opportunity to say "nothing to see here, move along", but it clearly bypasses
the facts.

Add to that how Hillary made an announcement minutes after Comey's press conference, and it appears Hitlery knew the outcome
long before it was announced.