You make it sound like Hillary has some impeccable record, while in truth it is common knowledge she is guilty as sin on all charges.

Trump has a history of success on development projects globally, has no negatives beyond perception.

Whereas Hillary has decades of narrowly escaped criminal charges, and FBI director James Comey already made the case for Republicans not even 2 weeks ago!
In addition to the charges she is clearly guilty of but not prosecuted on regarding her e-mails that have compromised national security, she is also being investigated by 100-plus agents for laws broken through her Clinton Foundation, and for her criminal deception regarding the 2012 Benghazi attack, where she told the presidents of Egypt and Libya, and her daughter Chelsea that it was clearly a terrorist attack in private e-mails, while publicly selling a false narrative to the American people and media.

Then there's Hillary's "war on women" where she led the slander and intimidation to silence Bill Clinton's women who were alternately used sexually, reluctantly harassed, and even raped. That ought to be well received by the American public.

Trump could do one commercial a day attacking Hillary's complete untrustworthiness, and unworthiness to even be a candidate.