(1) Bill Clinton met Loretta Lynch, and
(2) just a few days later James Comey says his FBI doesn't recommend prosecution, and
(3) Barack Obama JUST TWO HOURS LATER campaigned for the first time with Frau Hitlery, and
(4) the very next day Loretta Lynch said the Justice Dept will not prosecute Hillary Clinton on the criminal charges Comey said she is
clearly guilty of.

That was the first shoe dropping.

Now we have WikiLeaks releasing internal e-mails from inside the DNC, showing they were openly plotting various schemes to side with Hillary
and crush Sanders' campaign, despite the stated position that the DNC would be "neutral" and not play favorites.

Just announced this morning, Debbie Wasserman Bitch-Cunt Schultz, the Chair of the DNC, will as a result be excluded as a speaker from
the convention that SHE ORGANIZED
. A direct result of the WikiLeaks story on her partisanship in rigging Frau Hitlery as the
candidate over Sanders.
Fox News has already given extensive coverage of it.
MSNBC has not a word to say about it so far, but astonishingly, still is ranting endlessly about Ted Cruz not endorsing Donald Trump and
the disarray in the GOP, while simultaneously ignoring the disarray in the DNC, even as they go into a convention!
CNN finally did mention the WikiLeaks story, but was diminishing the significance of it, and likewise didn't even mention Debbie
Wasserman-Schultz's exclusion from the convention.

Your "HILLARY 2016!" liberal media at work!

Why Hillary Clinton didn't sink like a stone in the polls after the Lynch/Comey thing in my first paragraph is a complete mystery to me.

But after this second shoe dropping, she should sink even further, especially among Bernie Sanders supporters. And they just might
storm the Bastille during this DNC convention.