I haven't seen it yet, but plan to.

My only complaint is, the first one "2016: Obama's America" (2012) was kind of fast-moving and forced you to multi-task while watching it, and therefore you missed information, that you only fully get by re-watching it.

D'Souza's second documentary, "America: Imagine the World Without Her" (2013), is a more clear and organized deconstruction of Cultural Marxism and the anti-Americanism it teaches through America-bashing revisionist history in our schools, universities, and political Left. Ward Churchill, William Ayers, Noam Chomsky, Anthony Zinn and several other useful idiots of the far-Left are interviewed and spotlighted.

I always prefer D'Souza's books, but this is another way to get information to people who would never have the patience to read and absorb this presentation of facts in book form.