Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man on 7/24/16 @ 9:49 am
Onto the DNC which I'm guessing will be easily a more positive unifying convention than the GOP's.

Chicago Tribune, 9:23 pm:
  • The protests continued into the night with Sanders supporters and anti-police brutality protesters joining together. They marched in the street outside of the Wells Fargo Center.

    The crowd consisted of an assortment of protesters espousing a variety of causes, but mostly Sanders supporters and other Clinton foes on the left. College student Cory James said he expects the Democratic Party to split over the nomination.

    "I suspect we are witnessing an event that will fundamentally change American politics," said James, of Flint, Michigan.

    Earlier in the day, participants at the rally charged that Sanders was cheated out of the nomination, and they said they weren't swayed by his Monday plea to his supporters to fall in line behind Clinton for the good of the country.

    "He persuaded no one to vote for Hillary," said Greg Gregg, a retired nurse from Salem, Oregon, who intends to cast his ballot in November for Green Party candidate Jill Stein.

    Black Men for Bernie founder Bruce Carter said Monday's speeches from Sanders and Massachusetts U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren didn't persuade him to support Clinton.

    "They really agitate people more every time they stand up and do the Hillary Clinton hoo-rah hoo-rah," he said.

    Carter, a Dallas resident, said he doesn't fear a Republican Donald Trump presidency.

    Chris Scully, an engineer from Troy, New York, held a "Jill Before Hill" sign outside City Hall and said he opposes Clinton because of her war record as U.S. secretary of state.