Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Sanders thoughts about a Trump presidency were pretty clear before the convention WB. In this very serious time your party chose a reality star with no values and tells obvious lies. That says something about your party's own values. And you can avoid the truth but Sanders under any measure had less people choosing him over Clinton during the primary when it came time to go and pick. Picking the person with less votes isn't democratic or fair.

And your party chose a petty vile FBI INVESTIGATED sack of human shit, who FBI director James Comey clearly said is guilty of all charges, but who for corrupt reasons will not be prosecuted.
She is literally guilty of treason regarding her illegal private e-mail server, that has already disclosed top secret information, for which General Petraeus and others in her State Department were convicted for far less!

Regarding Trump, you have insults, but you have no solid basis for saying he is unqualified to be President. Trump is a very successful businessman, with clear experience in managing budgets and creating jobs. While he has had some unsuccessful ventures, he has had a far higher ratio of success than most businesses.
As contrasted with Hillary, where HER ENTIRE CAREER has been mired in scandal, corruption, insider trading, radical Marxism, and just pure vindictiveness. Dwight Eisenhower, among many others before him, had no prior experience in Washington government.

One of the things that make me burn the most regarding Hillary Clinton is her CONSISTENT open contempt for our military, law enforcement, national security, and rule of law. The Benghazi Negligence and cover-up. Contempt for the families of those who died in Benghazi because of her negligence! The woman has cold blood and scales just below the smile she gives to the cameras.
The way she treated (And still treats) Secret Service, that makes her loathed by them, to the point that they say it is among them considered "punishment" to be assigned to protect her.
Corruption of the Clinton Foundation (also under FBI investigation).
Keeping an illegal private e-mail server, destroying 30,000-plus e-mails under subpoena, and then destroying the hard-drive,despite it also being under subpoena!
There is absolutely no way you can convince anyone but the politically uninformed that Hillary Clinton is worthy of the presidency, or that Donald Trump is somehow less qualified.

One of the main reasons I like Trump is because both parties have been part of the "Washington establishment" that has been selling out American workers with international free trade agreements and offshoring of jobs and factories to third-world countries, has undermined U.S. sovereignty, fostered U.S. dependency on foreign goods, lack of border security and uncontrolled illegal immigration, admitting hundreds of thousands of muslim refugees whose identity and safety to the nation cannot be verified, printing of trillions of dollars that threaten to collapse our currency.

Both parties have enabled this, for 25-plus years. And when Democrat liars say "Well even many Republicans don't support Trump" that bypasses that they are Republicans who have sold out conservative values and are part of the same corrupt 2-headed beast with the Democrats (Boehner, McConnell, John Roberts, James Comey... ) who even when they have the power to stop the corrupt system, just don't. (i.e., "The fix is in.")
If they don't support Trump, that just demonstrates to me and millions of others that Trump is the guy to support if this corruption is ever to be cut away.

Trump is the only one who makes a priority of changing these destructive forces. Whereas Hillary has made clear nothing will change if she is elected, and if anything will accelerate this destruction.

Regarding Bernie Sanders, your argument is the same as saying that if your grandmother is going to die, it's okay to kill her rather than care for her.
The leadership in the DNC (as incriminatingly released in the Wikileaked e-mails) show the entire Democrat leadership plotting every last slanderous and anti-Semitic dirty trick to destroy him pre-emptively, including DNC chair Debbi Wasserman-Schultz!
Including her DNC chair replacement Donna Brazile!!
Your eagerness to abandon the rules to advance your candidate Frau Hitlery just manifests your own corruption. That you support any dirty trick, any abandonment of the rule of law, any treason, that advances your agenda.