There was an interesting piece in the English language (and apparently independent) edition of the Moscow Times which analysed all of the media's examination of Trump's interaction with Putin, and dismissed it as Putin playing games with the American press.

I wish I could find it - I read it in Facebook and can't find the web edition.

Trump's calling upon Russia to hack Clinton's emails is being dismissed by Republicans as "sarcasm".

This article - describes Trump as being the most pro-Russian of any Presidential candidate, and this article details Trump's enthusiasm and repeated business efforts to get into Russia.


Trump has more than once criticized NATO, the chief obstacle to Russian designs, as obsolete and has said he wouldn’t necessarily come to the aid of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s members if they are attacked by Russia.

Very recently, Trump seemed to give tacit approval of the Russian invasion of the Crimea (which suggests that Trump is not aware that Crimea is part of the Ukraine and has been forcibly annexed by Russia):

Another interesting read:

You guys are Republicans. Ronald Reagan's great triumph was the economic defeat of the Soviet Union. Dwight Eisenhower must be rolling in his grave. Are you bothered that the Republican candidate seems keen on a policy of appeasement to Russia and abandonment of NATO?

This is a question taken out of the context of the election or anything else Trump has or has not done. It is a straightforward issue: do you support a pro-Russian presidential candidate?

Pimping my site, again.