Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Interesting note, Trump actually had the republican party weaken their position when it came to Russia. Couldn't even begin to imagine what WB would be saying if it was Clinton.

I don't see enough specifics there to see a lucid point.
"Weaken their position" how?

 Originally Posted By: M E M
As for the debate schedule, Trump is the one asking for special treatment.

And by "special treatment", you mean he simply wants a moderator who does not co-debate him alongside Hillary Clinton, and throw Hillary a lifeline when Trump out-debates her. And NOT select a debate broadcast time that excludes the white male demographic that are his strongest supporters.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
I think given his Russian connections it's past time to show the country his taxes. It's time to put country before your party boys.

A lot of innuendo and speculation, with no specifics.
As compared with Hillary Clinton's blatant treason in her negligence over Benghazi, and with her illegal private e-mail server that was ripe for the hacking by the Russians and Chinese.
Not to mention her hatred of police and military, her Alinsky RULES FOR RADICALS-training in Cultural Marxism, and her general contempt for the nation she would lead. She wants the power and prestige of the office, but like her Kenyan predecessor, is not a believer in America or its exceptionalism, only in what she can radically transform it into.