The allegation is that Hillary has a pair of nuts? I am confused.


That's just so much Sophistry.

Stop flirting with me, you.

The sense of the "negative", why Clinton shouldn't be elected position (as opposed to the "positive", why Trump should be elected position) I get out of all of this is:

a. Obama is a dangerous Marxist-trained agitating deceitful demagogue;
b. Hillary is cut from the same clothe;
c. Middle Eastern immigrants rape and kill and Clinton will accelerate that;
d. Mexicans do the same thing (not sure if you guys have bought into that assertion or not but I seem to recall it);
e. Clinton will embroil the US in a war in Central Asia with Russia;
f. Clinton will continue the stultifying effects of globalisation because of her ties to big business.

Not sure where you all stand on China.

What I have noticed is that, over the past 3-4 years, is how far Tea Party (anti-establishment) right you have all swung.

Back in the day, Wonder Boy was on the right wing of the mainstream Republican Party, G-Man was more mainstream again, and Pariah was out there in Libertarian Limbo Land, getting ready for post-Apocalypse survivalism. I'm kind of joking - in any event, you didn't really buy into mainstream politics.

(To make it plain, I broadly regard Obama as a wonderful President, except on foreign policy where I think he has been disinterested and happy to leave things to his Secretaries of State, and I think Russia and China have taken advantage of that and that Israel/Palestine has become worse without the United States as a voice of reason. As a citizen of a non-US Western democracy, that should be no surprise: we all tend to like Democrats because they're closer to our chunk of the political spectrum.)

But it seems to me that you three have all veered hard right, and that is because of eight years of the Obama administration.

So what does this mean if you're typical of GOP voters? There is a good chance - objectively by any measure, a very decent chance - that you'll have another eight years of a Democrat president. That would mean that since 1993, only eight years will have been under a Republican administration.

(And let's face it, with the benefit of hindsight: despite his nutty advisors and their internationalist interventionist instincts, Dubya was more centrally balanced than a ballerina. He helped big business and he didn't really cause much of a ruckus on the domestic front. He even set aside the world's largest environmental exclusion zone in his last days in office.)

Dubya left office in 2009. Clinton wins and she is in office, most feasibly, until 2024. And that ignores her husband's administration, 1993-2001.

That's a long time in the cold.

And the funny thing is that, if the GOP loses, then instead of saying, well, we need to work on Hispanic or young voters and get them to understand the benefits of conservative politics (and there are many, many benefits - I am a conservative voter in my country), you'll be doing your best to deny Hispanics citizenship rights, curtail the rights of ex-cons to vote because they're black and likely to be Dem supporters and so on.

There needs to be a positive narrative in the GOP. Jobs - get competitive with manufacturing in advanced technologies instead of the shit manufacturing that is now done in Vietnam and Cambodia because even the Chinese can't undercut them. Security - have a gun, if you must, but lock it up and don't let nutjobs have them so as to prevent your kids getting shot. Christian values - and to appeal to young voters, that means modern Christian values around forgiveness and tolerance. Recognise that lots of people pray to Jesus. Be inclusive about that.

But, right now... Fucked if I can see any positive narrative at present with the current freakshow.

If the GOP keep focussing on securing the votes of that diminishing demographic, the old white dudes, the GOP will never be back in office.

Pimping my site, again.