More shootings of black suspects by police, more black protests and riots.
I was looking at Wikipedia to see what the latest developments were on these:

It goes back to what I posted 2 years ago on the subject:

( O'Reilly editorial, August 25, 2014)

There are about 8 million arrests in the U.S. in the most recent statistical year. From those, there have been about 600 shootings of suspect in arrest or custody, most clearly justified. Of those 600, only 150 were of black suspects, which would average out to one black police shooting every 2 or 3 days. Relative to the 8 million arrests, they are statistically insignificant and hardly support the narrative of a "war on blacks".

With very few exceptions (I can only think of one I've seen in 5 years) the suspect was shot or otherwise dies because thy did not cooperate with police, resisted arrest, or either raised, or appeared to raise, a firearm at police.

The only exception I can think of is one where video showed a police officer (if I recall, in South Carolina) pulled over a black man, who then ran away, and the officer emptied his clip into the suspect's back. For which the officer was briskly convicted and will spend the rest of his life in jail.