Back in the day, Wonder Boy was on the right wing of the mainstream Republican Party, G-Man was more mainstream again, and Pariah was out there in Libertarian Limbo Land, getting ready for post-Apocalypse survivalism. I'm kind of joking - in any event, you didn't really buy into mainstream politics...

But it seems to me that you three have all veered hard right, and that is because of eight years of the Obama administration.

Speaking for myself, did we "veer hard right," or did segments of society move far left in the culture war?

For example, "back in the day," gay marriage was a lot more controversial. My position was/is "let the state legislatures decide." That was actually a bit left/libertarian leaning, compared to big chunks of the country (let alone the GOP). Even Obama and Hillary were against gay marriage back then.

Now my position, rather than being on the "moderate Republican" side is considered some sort of "hard right" position by the left and their allies in the media.

Similarly, back in 2003 (when I joined the board), the idea of transgender bathrooms would have been laughed out of the DNC headquarters.

Then, there's the fact that aspects of Trump style-populism/nationalism was once as--if not more-- likely to be part of a Democrat-leaning union's platform (they're stealing our jobs). Back in 1996, Bill Clinton sounded more like Trump on immigration than he did Obama or Hillary.

I could make similar points about Bill and "black lives matter"/Sistah Souljah and welfare reform.

So, again, if my position hasn't changed, but the DNC's has, who really veered hard in a particular direction?