While the quality of David V. Reed's stories was consistently low (especially relative to O'Neil's established high standard) I have to admit
that Reed did write a few good stories.

Two I can think of offhand are BATMAN 300 (an "imaginary" story where in the future Batman retires,
and Bruce Wayne continues his war against crime as a U.S. senator.) With art by Walt Simonson.

And a story in DC SPECIAL SERIES 15 (BATMAN SPECTACULAR) the opening story by Reed and Mike Nasser/Rubinstein,
along with an O'Neil/Golden R'as Al Gul story, And an O'Neil/Rogers pulp-ish text story.

I also liked Reed stories in BATMAN 296 (art by Sal Almendola), and BATMAN 297 (Buckler/Colletta art).

Reed wrote most stories from Batman 267-304 (1976-1978). I read a profile of Reed once, he was a 1950's Batman writer,
who came back decades later for this 3-year stint.