I shit on Islam.

The "religion of peace" my ass!

Over and over, Islam proves itself to be the religion and Islamic ideology of murderous fanatics.

And Obama, Hillary and the rest of the DNC refuses to acknowledge the international terrorism aspect of these attacks, the focus on which would effectively stop them.
Instead, they treat these attacks as local criminal acts, and prevent FBI and other law enforcement from investigating and reporting (at threat to the careers of investigators) the clear connections to international Al Qaida/ ISIS terrorism.
Forcing investigators, against the true facts, to report them as "lone wolf" incidents, preventing reporting of the true international globalist Islamic war nature of these attacks. And blunting the ability of FBI and other government agencies from effectively fighting these attacks, and preventing rooting out the source of these attacks.

As I've said before, if Obama were a Russian spy sent to destroy America, he could not be doing more damage to this country. And Alinsky-trained Frau Hitlary as well.