Originally Posted By: First Amongst Daves
I haven't seen it yet. Mainstream (left-wing, biased, Trotsky-ite, Marxist-Leninist, pinko) media gives it to Clinton. The Atlantic says Trump was punchy and unscripted, Clinton was thoroughly prepared and incisive. So nothing unexpected there because that is their respective styles.

If by "prepared and incisive", you mean she had prepackaged sound-bites and platitudes up the ass, then you're absolutely correct.

Whereas she tried to get him bogged in the details, Trump's approach was issue-based. He made sure the same point was reiterated: America, and the world, is in the shitter because of Clinton/Obama ans, as such, it's ludicrous to ask her to fix it.

Quite frankly, if Trump had arrived with anything less than the attitude he had, he would have gotten creamed and simply would have come across as disingenuous. There are a few things I wish he'd done differently, but my primary concern is that he didn't let Holt control him throughout the episode.

There was a lot of media attention on Clinton's attack on Trump's treatment of women. That was obvious too and if Trump was going to prepare for anything, he should have had a defence for that. The transcript indicates that he did not.

Yes, no doubt liberals want us to focus on personal feelings and allegations of prejudice so as to ignore the fact that Hilldawg and company broke the law flagrantly, sold military secrets, and created ISIS.

Clinton took a fall on the email scandal admitting it was a mistake.

Not even remotely. The gentleness of the word "mistake" implies that she was somehow not cognizant of its implications. In reality, she circumvented any transparency pertaining to its use and then proceeded to cover up her tracks when she got caught. She seeks to encapsulate the weight of these offenses with lukewarm terminology so as to effectively neutralize them. She'll take a fall when she's dragged off to prison.