Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Thanks for letting me know about Alan Moore retiring.

I frankly feel like Moore stopped doing good work almost 30 years ago.
Hit and miss at best on his 90's-forward work.

More specifically, he is retiring from comics. He announced this at the launch of his novel. See http://worldcomicbookreview.com/index.ph...eview/#more-907

Some funny closing comments about being tired of writing Batman. The article (which I wrote) details some of the bad blood between Moore and DC including the infamous racoon dumpster diving comment. I didn't mention in the article that the trigger for the dissolution of the relationship was that idiot Zack Snyder saying that Moore had given his blessing to the Watchmen movie. Moore denied it (he was from memory already on the record as saying he regarded it as all a bit repulsive) demanded that Snyder withdraw the comment and DC refused. So he stopped writing for DC: LOEG shifted to an indy publisher and that was that.

Pimping my site, again.
