Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Aussie-Dave
The transition to globalisation is hurting people in the same way that the Industrial Revolution hurt people.

.... yes?

Any news stories on non-Muslims gang-raping people? Or are you just being selecti... no, that couldn't be right. Surely you wouldn't choose specific examples just to perpetuate your argument without considering a wider data pool or addressing counter-arguments?

Actually, here is an example. In Australia at present there is a Royal Commission (an independent judicial inquiry) into institutional responses to abuse of children with most of the attention being paid to Catholic clergy. The stories of systemic rape and abuse are horrific. One incident occurred at a Catholic church a block away from my house. By your logic, all Catholic clergy should be imprisoned or expelled from the country. The evidence is overwhelming that Catholic clergy repeatedly committed sex crimes against kids and the Catholic establishment tried repeatedly to cover it up either through denials, aggressive litigation, or by moving offending priests to different districts, where they would commit further offences against new kids. Its an institutional problem. (I hasten to add that testimony also came from secular government institutions, Anglican institutions and Jewish institutions.)

The logical fallacy is that the pool of Catholic offenders is small. It might even be disproportionately higher compared to the incidents of sex offences in the greater pool. But that doesn't mean that all Catholic clergy should be castigated, jailed or expelled from the country.

Pimping my site, again.
