Saw debate highlights.

I swear to God, if Trump wasn't such a living cluster-fuck with a chronically weak brain, the GOP would have had Clinton on the ropes and won this election already. You three guys would be running around whooping. Instead, the world's media is now focussing on how Trump has threatened not abide by the election's outcome, in the world's strongest democracy.

Imagine if someone with intellect, moral hygiene and GOP support was running. Someone who wasn't open to easy, easy shots about treatment of women, Putin, fucked-up business deals. Jeb Bush. McCain. Romney.

It reminds me of something I read a few weeks go quoting an anonymous GOP strategist, using a baseball analogy. To paraphrase, "Clinton keeps air-balling back to the pitcher. In the meantime, Trump is up in the stands pleasuring himself."

There's something to be said about the swings of politics in a democracy. Its healthy on a level to have different policy positions from time to time in government, just so the pendulum doesn't swing too far one way. A decent GOP candidate who was strong but reasonable on immigration, trade and defence would be quietly confident of success given Clinton's baggage.

If there is any consolation for the Republicans, it is that in four years time unless Clinton does something quite remarkable in her first term, the GOP will have her number. The RNC will field someone with the intellect and ability to carve her up like a slow roasted chicken, instead of the strutting, preening douchebag currently headlining the show. The Republican establishment will be very slow indeed to make this mistake again.

Pimping my site, again.