Imagine if someone with intellect, moral hygiene and GOP support was running. Someone who wasn't open to easy, easy shots about treatment of women, Putin, fucked-up business deals. Jeb Bush. McCain. Romney.

You're forgetting about the mainstream media. Aka "the Democrats' largest super pac."

The media demonized McCain as a senile old adulterer in 2008. In 2012 the demonized Romney as a animal abusing bully with fucked up business deals. Jeb would have been tarred as "W2.0" were he the nominee, while the media wrung its hands about how wrong family political dynasties are/

If there is any consolation for the Republicans, it is that in four years time unless Clinton does something quite remarkable in her first term, the GOP will have her number.

Nah. The mainstream media will continue to effectively cover up every crooked thing she does/did and, if they report on it at all, do so in the context of a made up "republican war on women."

At this point, unless the Parkinsons' gets her, she'll probably sail to reelection no matter who the GOP runs.