Originally Posted By: the G-man
Imagine if someone with intellect, moral hygiene and GOP support was running. Someone who wasn't open to easy, easy shots about treatment of women, Putin, fucked-up business deals. Jeb Bush. McCain. Romney.

You're forgetting about the mainstream media. Aka "the Democrats' largest super pac."

The media demonized McCain as a senile old adulterer in 2008. In 2012 the demonized Romney as a animal abusing bully with fucked up business deals. Jeb would have been tarred as "W2.0" were he the nominee, while the media wrung its hands about how wrong family political dynasties are/

Oh come on. There's no comparison.

Clinton copes it for the family dynasty allegation, like Jeb. Clinton is also old, like McCain. The Clinton Foundation sounds analogous to a fucked-up business deal like Romney. Everyone in politics can whether these. They are all ordinary putdowns.

Trump is an intellectual featherweight with toilet-paper thin skin. How about the crack that The Celebrity Apprentice should have won the Emmys except that they were rigged? What a complete douchebag. Can you imagine McCain, Romney or Bush ever being such fucking idiots as to say anything like that?

Could you before this election campaign ever imagine any Republican candidate with his tongue meticulously cleaning the arsehole of Vladimir Putin?!?

I read this morning an op-ed piece in the LA Times where Trump was described as a "flesh lollipop". Fairly accurate. This debate in particular was insightful. What a fucking joke. Even the Iranians are laughing at him.

G-man, and full credit and respect to you, at least you're honest enough to vote libertarian. If you can't stomach Clinton, and I entirely understand why that might be so, at the very least you've got enough principles to, first, vote, and second, not to vote for an animated turd who can't even respect the fundamentals of a peaceful transition or power in democracy because he is afraid of the perception that he is a loser.

Pimping my site, again.
