Originally Posted By: the G-man

Oh come on. There's no comparison.

Clinton copes it for the family dynasty allegation, like Jeb. Clinton is also old, like McCain. The Clinton Foundation sounds analogous to a fucked-up business deal like Romney. Everyone in politics can whether these. They are all ordinary putdowns.

Trump is an intellectual featherweight with toilet-paper thin skin. How about the crack that The Celebrity Apprentice should have won the Emmys except that they were rigged? What a complete douchebag. Can you imagine McCain, Romney or Bush ever being such fucking idiots as to say anything like that?

Clearly, Trump is giving the media a lot of ammunition. That being said, even when the candidate isn't a guy like Trump, they demonize him with more or less the exact same attacks. Case in point, here's how the media portrayed centrist Romney in 2012:
  • He is the worst major-party candidate in history.
    He’s a gaffe machine.
    He’s an evil racist who wants to return black people to slavery.
    He’s a brutal sexist who wants to return women to the subservience of the 1950s.
    He’s a nasty warmonger who doesn’t get the fundamental intricacies of modern foreign policy, with the Manichean worldview to match.

  • liberals in 2012 claimed that Romney would be a “disaster” for women, that he and “capitalist extremists” wanted to “destroy America,” that, in the event of a Romney presidency, we’d “be at war and pretty soon there won’t be any more Medicare or Social Security plus the rich will keep getting richer and abortion will be illegal in most of the country.”

    President Barack Obama accused Romney of wanting to take the United States back to “policies more suited to the 1950s,” a not so subtle suggestion that a Romney presidency would subjugate women to inferior second-class status; the Obama campaign went so far as to imply that Romney’s policies would ruin women’s lives at every step of their lives. Joe Biden implied that Romney would re-enslave black Americans.

In fact, the minute that it looked like Trump might actually drop out, the libs started aiming their fire at Mike Pence, implying he was as bad, if not worse:
  • When the leaked Trump audiotape was recently released, many people began to consider the possibility of getting Trump off the ticket and having Mike Pence — sane, normal grownup without a penchant for sexual assault — replace him as the Republican candidate for president.

    Not so fast: “Donald Trump is certainly terrible,” wrote Newsweek, “but Mike Pence may well be worse.” On Twitter, many were speculating along the same lines. “Having Pence in power,” according to Vox, “would be just as bad for women, if not worse, than Trump would be.”

    It’s one of the most ironclad rules of American politics: the next Republican is always the Worst Republican Ever. This tells us something rather poignant about liberal political philosophy — namely, that it exists less as a coherent and workable set of political and public-policy beliefs and more as a fanatical, oppositional vehicle for hysterics who shriek and faint whenever a new Republican walks onto the scene.

Sure. Romney copped it. Candidates cop it in an election. Clinton is copping it right now from the right. There is mainstream media attention to her pretty serious issues. McCain copped it. Obama copped it. Clinton copped it. The pedigree of looking into politicians' personal lives goes back to that idiot Gary Hart.

But Trump gifts these things. He can't deny the Billy Bush tape. When he opens his mouth, he bolsters his core supporters but alienates the majority. And not any other candidate refuses character clearance checks. You really think Trump didn't know there were snakes in the woodpile?

Pimping my site, again.
