Australia-Dave, I don't understand why you, of all people here (aside from G-man) being a lawyer, don't see how incredibly odd this all is regarding Hillary Clinton's remarkably brazen criminality, and the blind eye turned away from it by federal Justice and FBI agencies.

Generals who have done far less are having their careers ended and doing jail-time for a FRACTION of what Hillary Clinton has done to seriously endanger national security.

FBI director James Comey went out and gave a press conference making an incriminating case of evidence against Hillary Clinton. And then said "no reasonable person would prosecute" right after making an abundant case of evidence. WHAT??!

Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch makin an ex parte meeting on her private plane, under cover of darkness. Both have previously and are serving as attorney generals, and undertand the illegality of this better than anyone.

At my last count, five people were given immunity regarding their knowledge of Hillary Clinton's illegal e-mails, server and destruction of subpoenaed evidence. Yet if they were given immunity to shield them from prosecution for their knowledge, WHY ARE THEY NOT BEING CALLED TO TESTIFY WHAT THEY KNOW, WHY IS NO ONE BEING CONVICTED?

You seem to have an irrational animosity toward Donald Trump, who has done nothing overtly criminal, while the personification of Alinsky Rules For Radicals deception, lawlessness and evil stands right in front of you with a blazing 666 on her forehead!