Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

You seem to have an irrational animosity toward Donald Trump, who has done nothing overtly criminal, while the personification of Alinsky Rules For Radicals deception, lawlessness and evil stands right in front of you with a blazing 666 on her forehead!

I don't think my animosity towards Trump is irrational, but that's not your point.

My understand is that the four issues Clinton has been confronted with - Benghazi, emails, and John Podesta, and the yes vote on use of force in Iraq, has been scrutinised and found wanting by both allies and enemies.

To charge a person for a felony, at least in this country, the charge must be based on a presumption that the case to answer is beyond reasonable doubt. I confess that I don't know the exact details why Comey didn't press charges, but that absence of knowing doesn't mean that its a conspiracy. You say its an "abundant case of evidence", but the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation formed the view that there was not enough to lay charges. I trust the man's experience and that someone in his position and office is beyond reproach.

And, frankly, if Nixon can be impeached for illegal activities, as he should have been, then Clinton as a candidate stands no chance of ducking a criminal charge if there was meat on the bone.

I was thinking about your perspectives on media bias yesterday. I read somewhere that if Trump hadn't "sucked the oxygen" out of media examination of Clinton's cock-ups, then this would have had an impact on voters. But again, your guy keeps shooting himself in the foot. Again. And again.

Anyway, I read an article today in the Times of India about a New York professor with a statistical model that still predicts an 87% probability of Trump in the White House, and this professor only ever got it wrong once (he predicted Gore over Bush - Gore got the popular vote so its a technical error), so perhaps I shouldn't engage in a eulogy of Trump's campaign just yet.

If Trump does get in, then I certainly will take all of your complaints about mainstream media conspiracy on reporting and polls extremely seriously and re-read the detail of your comments, because that would be a mind-blowing outcome presently not predicted by anyone other than this guy in New York.

I should add, notwithstanding Pariah's poo-pooing of my empathy towards disenfranchised blue collar workers, that, again, I'm grateful for the insights. I certainly don't agree with a lot of what you all say (other than Russia, it seems) but without your (to say the least, super-enthusiastic) perspectives I wouldn't know what lies on the other side of the fence. It is easy to dismiss a lot of your views as out on the fringe, but if Trump has 30 million core supports, then something is going on. And I don't believe that it can just be not-college educated white men in their last stand against multicultural America. I think it is, as you said Dave, a deep cynicism of the political process.

Pimping my site, again.
