I find this development with Comey super-interesting.

The guy is between the devil and the deep blue sea. He doesn't report the re-opening of the investigation - he gets skewered by GOP congressmen and potentially indicted.

He reports it - he is in breach of the Hatch Act (that was a no one by me).

Personally, I don't think he had much choice but to notify Congress that he was reopening the investigation, even through he doesn't know what is in the emails as yet because he doesn't have a warrant. I have said before - on this very thread, I think - that no one should doubt his credentials and office.

Because this reads as a "Hillary has been hiding something" type story, Clinton's poll numbers have slumped.

As an orange panted Democrat former congressional advisor said on Australian television on the weekend, she is a "deeply flawed" candidate.

Pimping my site, again.
