Originally Posted By: the G-man
Putting aside your preferences, which are pretty much well documented, who do you think will win and by how much?

While it's obvious who I would like to win, Frau Hitlery begins the contest with over 240 guaranteed electoral votes, an easier path to 270, and it's a harder path to electoral victory for Trump.

If the polls are to be believed (and I don't) Hillary still has the advantage. But we all know the polls are weighted with a sampling of Democrats larger than their ratio of the population, and even if they could be trusted as unbiased and accurate, most battleground states are still within the +/-3% margin of error. So it's close enough to go either way.

Hillary still has far superior numbers of campaign volunteers, a far superior air-war of ads attacking Trump multiple times every hour on virtually every channel, a superior "get-out-the-vote" drive to get the politically uninformed herded out to vote for Hillary, and the (Democrat controlled) DHS is "monitoring" the electronic voting nationwide, to also push the vote in the DNC favor. Democrats also have a massive fraudulent machine of fake voter registrations, of the dead rising to vote (and documented cases of dead Republicans rising to vote Democrat!) rigging of election machines in Texas and elsewhere where Republicans advance-vote for Trump and watch their vote register on the screen in front of them for Hillary, Democrats double voting in multiple precincts, on and on.


I think Hillary wins by a narrow margin (to try and make the result look believable).

And I would be elated and pleasantly surprised if despite incredible media bias, despite Hillary buying off attorney general Loretta Lynch and FBI director James Comey to obstruct investigation, despite rigging of the DNC to leverage out Bernie Sanders , despite Hillary being fed questions in advance at 2 televised CNN presidential debates by Donna Brazile and Roland Martin, despite being incredibly out-spent and out-staffed by the Hillary campaign, despite establishment Republicans within his own party at every turn undermining Trump's campaign, it would be a truly inspiring and American story if Trump against all odds and corruption pulled out a victory.