Trump ahead in Utah as well, by about 100,000 votes.

CNN still hasn't updated their electoral count, still showing...
TRUMP 238 hour later!

Chris Wallace on Fox is saying Trump will have a rare opportunity with Republican control of the Presidency, House and Senate.
(The Democrat vision of taking the Senate tonight is now long gone.)

Also looking forward to Alec Baldwin, Rosie O'Donnell and about 30 other Hollywood elites leaving the country, as they vowed to, if Trump were elected. That alone is good for America.

The Dow is down 830 points. I honestly thought Trump was being overly optimistic when for the last week on the stump he predicted "another Brexit" on election night. But now we're seeing it happen!

The AP's updating electoral map also isn't eager to declare Trump's electoral victories either, which they list as currently

But at least they still show the states leaning toward Trump, if not called. But they seem eager to post electoral updates for Hillary, even as they "cautiously" withhold judgement on Trump's.