Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
but yeah, that 1.7% really fucked you over, didn't they?


Trump needed every single possible vote to beat the rigging. Johnson cucks made it that much more difficult to win and took the popular vote away from Trump.

Granted, in reality, he DID win the popular vote, but that extra 1.7 percent would have taken away the liberals' wedge issue by giving him that much more of a landslide.

The electronic scam worked in Hillary's favor by counting every one vote as 1.2 votes (or somewhere in that range). Meaning that you need landslide numbers to beat it if you don't have the same standard applied to you. The additional votes that went to Gary Retard Johnson would have given that much more umph to his victory. But now the public perception is that she got more votes, and should therefore be the one in office.

Trump won the war mind you. But this maimed his victory somewhat.

Last edited by Pariah; 2016-11-11 4:22 AM.