It's also been pointed out that about 1 million black voters who voted in 2012, didn't vote democrat in 2016.

Yet Democratic turnout dropped in the 2016 general election: Roughly 7 million fewer Democrats voted than in 2012’s. Despite all the media attention devoted to the Clinton campaign’s “ground game,” the Democratic Party simply failed to mobilize its base of voters and lost to the least popular presidential candidate ever.

verall voter turnout in the election was also quite low, likely reflecting widespread dislike of the candidates. Nearly half of eligible voters, 47 percent, did not vote in the election. Clinton and Trump each attracted about 25 percent of the eligible electorate in a closely divided election.

Perhaps it comes as no surprise then that the Democratic Party that chose to nominate the second-least popular presidential candidate ever — a Wall Street-backed neoliberal millionaire whose foreign-policy views were even more hawkish than those of her Republican rivals — had previously systematically undermined its best chance to defeat Trump.

Internal emails from the Democratic National Committee, released by the whistleblowing journalism organization WikiLeaks, show that the Democratic Party sabotaged Sanders’ campaign on behalf of Clinton.

The DNC is supposed to be bound to impartiality, but clearly favored Clinton from the beginning. In an ensuing scandal after the leaks, four top DNC officials were pressured to resign, including chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a former co-chair for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign. Mere minutes after Schultz resigned from the DNC, the 2016 Clinton campaign hired her.

An internal campaign email released by WikiLeaks also demonstrates how the Hillary Clinton campaign and DNC intentionally fueled the rise of Trump, helping to create the far-right Frankenstein monster that defeated her.

Even after the Democratic Party betrayed him and undermined his campaign, Sanders, fearing a potential Trump presidency, endorsed Clinton and campaigned for her, alienating many of his supporters.

Yet Sanders also spoke out and warned that the Democratic Party was on the path to disaster. When the U.K. surprisingly voted in June to leave the European Union, in the so-called Brexit vote, Sanders penned an op-ed in The New York Times titled “Democrats Need to Wake Up.”

That "far right Frankenstein monster" is also known as the American people.

Against this screed-writer's own points, between the DNC/Hillary Clinton's betrayal of the Sanders voters, the leaked DNC e-mails of their treachery within their own party, Wikileaks' revealed DNC e-mail racism toward blacks and Hispanics, Hillary believing you need "a public strategy and a private strategy" (i.e, tell the public one thing and then pursue an opposite secret agenda), and the various crimes and treasons of Hillary evident but not prosecuted. millions of DNC previous 2012 voters just couldn't hold their nose and vote for the evil thing we call Hillary Clinton.
Blacks, Hispanics, millennials, union workers, Reagan Democrats, displaced coal industry and fossil feul workers all turned from voting Democrat as they did in 2012, and either voted Trump, or stayed home.

The 'bigoted, racist" Donald Trump scored a few percentage points higher among all these racial and demographic groups. Far from exclusive, Trump's voting bloc looks like a cross-section of America!
A cross-section tired of the usual race/class demagoguery of the last 8 years, of DNC leaders enabling and stoking cop-killing, of anti-capitalist, job-killing cultural Marxist slop that's being fed to them by the Democrats. They chose this year to feed elsewhere.

It looks a heck of a lot like morning in America!