I didn't find that last YouTube video very clear or well made. It has a conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton (backed by George Soros)
for some reason felt it would be too much of a reach to steal the election entirely, but felt it would be credible to the public to
(1) stack up fake votes that make Hillary win the popular vote, while losing the Electoral College vote. And that (2) having Trump win
only the Electoral count while more actual votes (faked) shows Hillary won popular consensus, and thus undermines Trump's mandate
to lead the nation.

I don't really buy either premise.
I certainly think the Democrats cheat at every opportunity, and two incredibly corrupt successive DNC chairpersons (Wasserman-Schultz,
and Brazile) in a row manifests how corrupt the very core of the DNC is, not just one or several persons, but the entire core.

That said, if the Dems could steal the popular vote, they would certainly steal the Electoral College as well if they could. And I
fully expect that they stole as much as they could, but still fell short of what they needed to steal because (A) they didn't anticipate
such a low black, Hispanic and millennial voter-turnout for the DNC, and (B) they didn't anticipate such a large white, blue collar/union,
Reagan-Democrat turnout for Trump!

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
I don't necessarily agree that Trump doesn't have a mandate (what with the electoral landslide), but it's certainly
lessened by the perception that he lost the popular vote--and, for that matter, at least two or three more states that would have
been swung (I'm thinking of NV, CO, NH, and possibly MN).

I'm not at all clear what your point is regarding "NV, CO, NH and possibly MN."