Of Course Donald Trump Supports Same-Sex Marriage
  • Some conservatives seem to be dismayed at Donald Trump’s comments on 60 Minutes that he is “fine” with same-sex marriage.

    Said Trump: “It’s done. . . . These cases have gone to the Supreme Court. They’ve been settled, and I’m fine with that.” To which the only response is: Well, duh.

    Contrary to liberals’ fever dreams, Donald Trump is the most socially progressive candidate the Republican party has ever put forward. He’s pro-life because it’s a requirement in Republican politics, and because one time two friends of his were going to abort their child but didn’t...

    Likewise, while Trump has been pretty quiet about same-sex marriage, it’s always stood to reason that he’s not Jerry Falwell. After all, he’s spent his entire life seeking approval among the loftiest altitudes of Manhattan high society. The only reason Trump seems socially conservative to uninformed political observers is because he talks tough. But the rhetoric doesn’t reflect any substantive beliefs.

    the image of LGBT activists in the streets is, in fact, a touch ironic: Barack Obama’s support for same-sex marriage “evolved” over the course of his first term in the White House, and Hillary Clinton’s change of position was conveniently timed for her (second) run.

    Donald Trump is the only president to-date to support same-sex marriage at the time of his election.