There's another theory floating around.

Mayhaps Jill Stein is a rogue agent (considering she criticized Clinton as being the war candidate) and she's in cahoots with Trump to push this recount effort to make Hilldawg look like an idiot who's obviously in cahoots with Stein and Soros to try and steal the election. Thus, this situation gives Trump the greenlight to bring up the fact that millions of people voted illegally in Hillary's favor, more than likely diminishing what could have been a stronger republican majority in the process--not to mention a bigger landslide in the Electoral College and a Trump-owned popular vote.

In which case, Stein either got Trump to fund her effort OR duped Soros into feeding her money. In response, the Clinton campaign may very well be shitting bricks at the prospect that an unsupervised recount will expose fraud on her end, thus motivating her to stick her campaign's oar into the creek in the interest of "insuring fairness".

Wisconsin has already uncovered yet more votes for Trump that weren't previously counted.