HNN: Michigan Recount: Over 1/2 of Hillary Clinton’s Detroit Vote Faces Disqualification

  • Michigan votes in areas that voted for Hillary Clinton have been inflated due to worker error disqualifying recounts under state law.

    Michigan officials say they can not reconcile vote counts in 610 of 1,680 precincts, or 59% of the precincts, in Michigan’s largest county , Wayne County, which Hillary won by a margin of 2 to 1 over Donald Trump because the original vote counts in the poll books do not match the number of votes in the machine printout reports.

    Specifically, the number of votes recorded by the voting machines were higher than the number of voters that were logged into to vote in these precincts.

    The news comes as Hillary Clinton lost 32,423 votes in day 5 of the Wisconsin recount which are now showing anomalies that may indicate absentee ballot fraud in Milwaukee.

    In many cases Canvassers say there were aware of the discrepancies in the original vote counts but gave no explanation for the why counts did not match up but certified the original election counts anyway.

    Now officials are mainly blaming the discrepancy on jams in the optical ballots in the scanners which forced workers to run the same ballots through the machines more than once.

    To prevent a ballot scanned multiple times from being counted as more than one vote poll workers were supposed to adjust the machine counters but officials stated the workers failed to do so in many cases.

    They also state in more rare cases there could have been issues with people not having identification being manually placed in boxes or rare human errors such as sealing the wrong number of votes for certification due to transposing numbers.

    Michigan state law requires precincts which poll books don’t match to be excluded from the recount and if the recount results can’t be certified, which requires reconciliation of the counts, the original certified results stand.

    Issues due to human error, such as sealing the wrong number of votes in the original certification should be easily reconciled during a hand recount but in the precincts in question they are unable to reconcile the votes.

    The discrepancy was only uncovered yesterday after an Obama appointed judge issued a midnight ruling ordering a hand recount in Michigan on Sunday.

    Despite state law requiring the votes be disqualified election officials are fighting to keep the counts included and believe that not all of the 392 precincts will be excluded from the final recount.

    There are also discrepancies in other counties Clinton carried but they are not as widespread as Detroit

    Clinton carried Genesee County, which includes Flint, where so far 13 of 222 precincts are reported with invalid results but officials certified the results there as well.

    Officials in Ingham reported six of their 30 precincts from Lansing including a ballot box with a hole in it which could have been used to slip in fraudulent ballots or remove legitimate ones.

    Votes in Rochester Hills precinct 11 in Oakland county have been disqualified after more ballots were found in the machine logs than were actually in the ballot box. Workers could offer no explanation other than it didn’t match in the original certified results and it doesn’t match now before conceding that the precinct is not recountable.

I'm starting to believe that theory a whole lot more.

Especially since, mayhaps, this is not simply a vie for honesty and an attempt to expose how Stein, herself, was cheated, but also to expose the corruption of the Democratic Party and possibly have the Green party inherit the DEM voter base as a result.