I understand that you're still reeling from your girl's crushing, and in all likelihood, final defeat. As such, you need to find some excuse to explain it.

However, even if accept as true that Russia hacked the DNC and attempted to influence the election, there is not one scintilla of evidence that it did, in fact, affect the outcome.

First off, as reported in the Wall St. Journal, there was an attempt to hack the RNC as well. But it failed. It failed because the RNC had tighter security and cooperated with the FBI in stopping the hack. The DNC, conversely, did not.

Second, the emails weren't fake. And they were largely the kind of "insider baseball" that journalists find interesting for a day or two but generally don't hold much sway with the general public. Indeed, as leftists are quick to point out, Hillary won the popular vote. If, as you know claim, the emails were turning off voters she wouldn't have done so.

The bottom line here is that Hillary lost because she got overconfident, thought she had about three states "in the bag" that weren't and Trump was able to peel off just enough of the white working class vote in those states to take the electoral college. Even Bill has more or less admitted that.