ACORN's real crime was that it committed crimes! It defrauded the federal government and taxpayers. PERIOD.
That Congress de-funded ACORN, and that the U.S. Census Bureau severed ties as well is testament to that. ACORN's registration of fraudulent voters is well documented. If anything you say about O'Keefe is true, it is a tiny footnote of minor error in the greater context of these facts. Otherwise correct news reporting sources all the time have to later make retractions of minor errors. I wrote articles for two years, and would often have people approach me after a story was in print, and tell me things after-the-fact that I wish I'd known before press-time.

One of the most interesting, a Boca Raton police officer expressed embarrassment about how L.A. police officers had beaten Rodney King, that it was an embarrassment to police everywhere in its unprofessionalism. His take was that no matter how big Rodney King was, four officers should have been able to wrestle him to the ground , cuff him and put him in a squad car, and it was not their job to punish King beyond arresting him. (That's not so much correcting an inaccuracy as it is an insight, that officers didn't side with the L.A. cops, and what professional officers themselves saw as the correct way King should have been handled.)