Originally Posted By: iggy
But, seriously, the comments were fuck all and I think this only sped up the downfall that would've come when he was no longer a useful faggot for the alt-right and they tore down their gay idol.

Personally, I have a feeling that Milo himself was building up to the big "coming out" moment when he would officially announce that he was molested as a child, and thus vindicate everyone accusing homosexuals of being mentally damaged via pedophilia. While he's unapologetic about his homosexuality, you can tell from his past articles covering a rise of androgyny and same-sex coupling trends in western culture that he doesn't believe it's conducive to a functional society. I'm not necessarily going to accuse him of being self-loathing, but I have to imagine that he still identified himself as a Catholic for a reason.

Unfortunately, he had a case of diarrhea of the mouth and let it slip too early in one of the worst ways possible, thus giving the neocons the ammunition they needed to simultaneously destroy him (time will tell if that's the case) and fudge the delivery of the big reveal.