Originally Posted By: iggy
I actually agree with Pariah about this being a hit job, imo. It just doesn't make sense that these tapes came out after his appearance on Maher was set to elevate his profile. This was to be the week that Wilmore told him to fuck off on HBO. Instead, charges of--at least--being okay with pedophilia because of comments made before the Leslie Jones fiasco. They could've dick slapped him (though he might have liked it) with this shit for awhile and yet they didn't. Dude is a total jackass -- big surprise--but this smells fishy.

Almost makes Pewdiepie look like a dry run in tearing down an ascendant alt-media figure.

But, seriously, the comments were fuck all and I think this only sped up the downfall that would've come when he was no longer a useful faggot for the alt-right and they tore down their gay idol.

(Apologies if my use of faggot bothers you, MEM.)

It was totally a hit job. That being said I don't have a lot of sympathy for the guy. Some people deserve a hit job. Based on his comments he's one of them.

I just wish MEM and his cohorts would be equally willing to do hit jobs on their lefty pedophile buddies.