Immigration continues to be the central lightning-rod issue for Trump.

I'm awed at how much Trump has done in his first few weeks as president, despite all Democrat and Soros-astro-turfed fake protests obstruction.

Hannity, in his Feb 21st program, did a good job in his opening editorial, and in the closing segment, laying out what Trump is putting in place to shut down illegal immigration and sanctuary cities. Hannity also cites statistics of the number of crimes by illegals, and the enormous cost in the hundreds of billions annually of illegal immigration to Federal, state and local governments:

Democrats' response: "Trump is a racist who just hates brown people."
Or: "Trump is tearing [illegal] immigrant families apart!"

But Democrats never acknowledge the families of U.S. citizens torn apart when their families' members are killed by illegal immigrants.

Geraldo Rivera is all "Ohh, well immigrants statistically commit crimes at a lower rate than U.S citizens." But that bypasses that tens of thousands annually are murdered, raped, killed by drunk driver illegals, that should never have been here in the first place.