The ACA hasn't greatly impacted my life as much as everyone else goes on about how everyone is getting clobbered by it. My insurance rate is dirt cheap once all the wellness discounts are added.

That said, I would be okay if they fixed some of the problems with others facing major premium hikes that could create savings by keeping subsidy payouts down. If breaking down barriers from purchasing insurance from another state helps that, then I am more than happy to see that passed. I'm also cool with reasonable tort reform as a way to bring down costs. Doctors are passing those astronomical malpractice insurance rates on to us. Let's try to bring costs like that down.

But, I also have to exist in reality. Obamacare is here to stay and there is no amount of ideological posturing that can change that fact. Fixing it is the only viable alternative. So, let's focus on what we can do to make it work for everyone as best as it possibly can.

Pariah, get over your alt-right bullshit. It is the same story because the only thing that has changed is the gaggle of unreasonable ideologues and bootlicking sycophants fondling the balls of the new guy holding the levers of power.

You are really not all that different from the Obamanauts and SJWs you spend so much time yammering on about. Sure, this is Rome and you are a bit player and imperial cultist with a knack for empty rhetoric. I've no problem with that.

BTW, how is that Pizzagate thing going for you guys? Have you been forced to mea culpa like your bedfellow, Alex Jones?