I posted the videos of him, in his own words. It doesn't back up what you say, M E M. His words are not the ones I'd choose, but he does in other words address the same concerns I have, that Dinesh D'Souza has with Obama and the Democrats, that the NRA has, that any informed conservative Republican has. That Obama is an Alinsky-trained cultural Marxist who has been marinated since birth in Marxist radicalism, who surrounds himself with America-hating radicals like William Ayers, Frank Marshall Davis, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Anita Dunn, Ron Bloom, Van Jones, Valerie Jarrett, and Michele Obama, to name just a few. Google any of those names under DiscoverTheNetworks, and you'll see the threat these people in any position of power pose toward the U.S.


And of particular concern to Ted Nugent, toward the second amendment. His word-choice is not the most artful, but the facts he references are legitimate nonetheless.

AGAIN: >>>NONE<<< of the Democrats I mentioned have apologized, let alone sincerely.