Trump's rally in Youngstown, Ohio last night, with an emphasis on his accomplishments barely 6 months in office, and in particular his commitment to secure our borders, stop illegal immigration and end sanctuary cities.

I agree that he is arguably the president who has achieved more in his first 6 months than any other president.

And that is with many of his appointees still waiting to be confirmed. At this point Obama had over 90% of his staff confirmed and in place. Despite being 1/8th of the way through his term, the obstruction of Trump's presidency by Democrats every step of the way continues.

I'll say it again: It's not "racism" or bigotry to oppose illegal immigration. This country admits 1.1 million legal green-card immigrants a year, more than pretty much the other nations of the world combined. We have a generous LEGAL immigration policy, admitting people from nations worldwide. But we have a right to control who comes in our country and enforce our laws to protect the nation.
And if you want to see what happens in nations that don't have common-sense immigration policy, just look what is happening in Sweden, Germany, France and the rest of Europe right now.

Actually, you see quite a bit of it in the U.S. with crime, drugs, gangs, and Islamic attacks. But as has been cited widely, illegals crossings are down roughly 70% now.

Trump said that Mexican officials told him there are less illegal crossings into Mexico from central America. Because they know they won't make it across the Northern border into the U.S., so they've stopped coming into Mexico as well! With or without an actual wall, it's amazing what just a little bit of enforcement can do to deter bad actors.