I just googled the video on YouTube:

It does look like they were mobbed around his car with clubs ready to bash his head in. If he'd suddenly unprovoked driven into the crowd, I don't think they'd be carrying clubs, be chasing after him, and be climbing on his car. It looks like if he'd stopped, he would have been pulled out of the car and beaten to death.

As one of the YouTube comments said:
"So, peaceful protestors with baseball bats and batons? For sure..."

It's at least possible the racist supremacist protestors were protesting peacefully and vocally, before the other side provoked and escalated it with weapons. And outnumbered by a mob of at least 50 or so with baseball bats, the Hitler enthusiast in the car just tried to get out of there. It sure looks that way from this particular video footage.

Rush Limbaugh had some good commentary on the Charlottesville violence:

"It's not just the neo-nazis... there are two sides involved in violence, why is only one side being condemned?"

Also, the double standard in the media going after Trump for not directly condemning the supremacists. Whereas Obama never similarly condemned black violence, and in TWO DIFFERENT EVENTS invited Black Lives Matter leaders (the black equivalent of the Klan and white supremacists) on those TWO occasions (after Ferguson, MO, and after Baltimore MD) to the White House, in doing so not condemning them (where Trump DID) and giving legitimacy to their violence (which Trump DIDN'T).