The "worst", "sickening" President Trump at 4:30 today:
"It's not just the one statue, they're taking down statues all over. We take down Robert E. Lee today... do we take down Washington tomorrow and Jefferson the next day?"

That's where this is headed. It's not just abolishing the monuments to Civil War history. It's ultimately a cultural Marxist siege against all of American history, the moral right for the United States to exist at all. To undermine patriotism and public belief in our western/capitalist Democracy, to pave the way for the socialist/globalist utopia planned to replace it (i.e., basically Orwell's 1984).

REALITY CHECK: History is filled with men who did both good and bad. You don't erase the pillars of human civilization and take down their statues and erase them from history just because they had flaws and made some bad decisions.
Should we similarly tear down the statues of Martin Luther King and erase his holiday because he was a womanizer and adulterer, and on a few occasions advocated violence to advance his civil rights agenda?
A bartender I knew once said "There was only one perfect man, and they nailed him to a cross." Arguably, no one is so perfect that it wouldn't be justified to erase them from history.

Add context to their monuments, but don't erase them from history.

Regarding Jason Perkins' comment about there being conservative media too, we've been over this about a billion times. Conservative media is a very tiny drop in an ocean of liberal spin. As I cited from Bernard Goldberg's book BIAS, the media in every poll for at least 50 years self-identifies as at least 80% "liberal" or "very liberal". Only 7% identify as conservative.

See also:

And beginning with the 2008 election, Tim Groseclose, college professor and author of the book LEFT TURN on media bias, cites that an overwhelming 93% of Washington-based reporters supported Obama.

More recently, a media study showed that 93% of all stories on both CNN and NBC on President Trump are negative. To say nothing of the only slightly less negative ratio of negative coverage on the other networks. That is an overwhelming bombardment on Trump every day.

AGAIN: Trump has condemned violence on both sides. Unlike Obama who >>>>NEVER<<<< condemned Black Lives Matter, and who even invited the Black Lives Matter leadership to the White House after they were killing cops, Trump >>>DID<<< condemn white supremacist violence, and >>>DID NOT<<<< similarly give legitimacy to white supremacists.

It is a fact that BOTH sides came to the Charlottesville protests with helmets and clubs, and both have a share of blame in the violence. I don't support either the white supremacists dipshits, or the "Antifa" dipshits (who are as fascist and violent as what they claim to oppose). But unlike M E M, Mr. Jason Perkins, and the liberal media, I do hold both sides to the same standard.

When I watched the coverage, I only ever saw about 200 at most white supremacist protestors, vastly outnumbered by thousands of "Antifa" (anti-fascist) counter-protestors. Some white supremacists there I saw interviewed were belligerent and clearly wanted to kick some ass. Others I saw interviewed said they were carrying weapons "just in case" to protect themselves if attacked. And they knew going in they would be vastly outnumbered.

AGAIN: Trump NEVER in any way supported the white supremacists, has been more critical of violence on both sides, than Obama ever was less than a year ago of even greater violence by Black Lives Matter, which he NEVER condemned, never questioned the legitimacy of the rhetoric that led to the shootings, in multiple cities.

Last edited by Wonder Boy; 2017-08-16 8:34 AM. Reason: links and graph added