Originally Posted By: the G-man
I don't have a problem with Trump's initial tweet because the violence on both sides should be condemned.

To argue otherwise is really just a variation on people saying "it's only okay when my side does it."

And that's exactly what Obama did with Black Lives Matter, and protestors over Ferguson MO and Trayvon Martin.

 Originally Posted By: the G-Man

That being said, there is simply no evidence to justify what that asshole with the car did. People trying to say "well, the liberals started it" in this case are wrong and should just shut up.

In the incident with the car, yes, it looks like he drove into the crowd from a long distance unprovoked.

Maybe he was part of the white supremacist crowd who got clubbed, and came back in his car for payback. But even if he and/or his friends were clubbed by the Antifa guys first, that's no excuse for what he did. He should have never gone in with his car.

As Jason Perkins pointed out, when he initially drove into the crowd from a few hundred yards away, there was no one around him. It appears to me he got mobbed by people with clubs when he got to the point of impact.