Originally Posted By: the G-man
I don't have a problem with Trump's initial tweet because the violence on both sides should be condemned.

To argue otherwise is really just a variation on people saying "it's only okay when my side does it."

I think the difference between you, Wonder Boy, Trump, and the conservative media and "M E M, Mr. Jason Perkins, and the liberal media" is that we don't put people who chant "Jews will not replace us," "Blood and soil!" and "Fuck you, fa***ts," on the same level as people who chant "No Trump! No KKK! No fascist USA!" and "Black lives matter!" We don't answer requests to denounce white supremacists with "Well, what about the other guys!"

You ask me to denounce racists specifically, I denounce those racists specifically. I don't also denounce the people fighting against those racists in an attempt to soften the blow.

And we don't work super hard to give racist fucks who plow through protesters the benefit of the doubt. If the evidence defends him, fine. We'll accept it. But "maybe it was self defense" ain't our first reply.

Not that you did that last part, G-man.