Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Hypotheticals of course are just that. 10 years ago I never thought I would see a republican President get the David Dukes out there so happy.

Then you have a short memory. Because Reagan got similar endorsements from racist groups, that Reagan similarly quickly rejected and disowned.
The difference now is that the media back then kept some veneer of impartial objectivity, and wasn't quite as zealous about smearing a Republican president, and overtly acting as a PR wing of the Democrats.

A president can't control who endorses them, and who considers their agenda closer to their own than the opposition. But it can be used to selectively smear them, or be given a free pass.

When Obama was endorsed by the likes of Communist Party USA, or the Black Panthers, or Palestinian Authority, or Al Qaida, the 80% liberal media selectively did not cover that. In the case of Trump, they give it disproportionate coverage, and use it as a weapon to bring him down.

First off...

 Originally Posted By: WP Corker article:

Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), who has been one of the most outspoken GOP Trump critics in Congress...

...this is not someone who ever gave Trump a chance, and is opportunistically using a moment of selective media-driven controversy to further twist the rusty knife in Trump's back.

Looking at Bob Corker's record, there is no indication he was ever a supporter or someone who gave Trump a fair chance. If he had criticism of Trump, the place to do it is to meet with the president privately and offer his suggestions to move the agenda in the right direction, not go to the 80% liberal media (and 93% among Washington-based reporters) and undermine both Trump and his entire party.

As is obvious, Trump is a reformer who seeks to break the system of both Establishment Republicans and Establishment Democrats who have a first loyalty to themselves and not the nation or its people. Trump is trying to reform the lobbyist system that enriches both sides at the expense of the national interest, and these Republicans would rather see Trump and the GOP fail, and would prefer to advance the Democrats than allow Trump to succeed in draining their bipartisan swamp.