Just what is it that you think the "RiNOs" are obstructing Trumpertino on at this point, man? Are they keeping him from magically winding back the clock to the 19th century and making coal great again, ignoring the preexisting shift in energy infrastructure resulting in reduced demand and, oh yeah, the sweeping automation eliminating the need for most mining jobs? Is a guy whose personal indiscretions have easily resulted in double-digit unplanned pregnancies going to hit the brakes on abortion, without providing sustainable solutions for women's healthcare and irrespective of the abhorrent limitation of civil liberties? Is an inner circle of industrialists whose business model is primarily contingent on cheap, expendable labor really going to shut our borders against migrant workers... and the critically-needed supply of, say, H1B physicians needed to fill critical doctor shortfalls in mostly red rural counties?

I hear this overriding theme of how Trump is somehow our last line of defense against globalism. Being angry about globalism is like being angry about a tornado. Shake your fist and unleash as much profanity as you like, that sumbitch is comin' through with or without your approval. And yeah, it has the potential to completely reshape what we thought was our way of life. But guess what? What we thought was our way of life - the old paradigms of education, 'career' employment, vocational segmentation, and yes, our hallowed 'demographics' - was already obsolete and inadequate, or globalism would never have gained its momentum in the first place. Is the fear of something that'll happen anyway with no regard to anyone's sentiments worth hanging onto a guy with no political leadership acumen, with no redeemable character traits pertinent to the office, with no sustainable plan for even the immediate future? Or does it all just wrap around to tribalism, to the all-important "us vs. them" and the alleged barbarians at the notional gates?


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