Frankly, the last time I spent a considerable amount of time and thought going point by point answering in detail all your questions, and you just ignored my arguments to slice and dice one line out of what I said to imply I was racist and make a few snarky remarks, makes me a bit reluctant to do this again. But here we go.

 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
Just what is it that you think the "RiNOs" are obstructing Trumpertino on at this point, man?

The RINOs (a term I didn't use, I called them more specifically Establishment Republicans who resist productive change in their party, who are controlled by globalists through campaign finance and lobby money) have visibly obstructed repeal/replace of Obamacare, making it lose by only one vote, to name one example. More broadly, they attack Trump opportunistically during every political controversy, undermining and destroying his political capital to pursue other issues, such as tax reform, and (what certainly has the greatest potential for bipartisan support with Dems) re-building infrastructure.

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
Are they keeping him from magically winding back the clock to the 19th century and making coal great again, ignoring the preexisting shift in energy infrastructure resulting in reduced demand...

Thanks for that additional bit of snark. The fact is, China opens a new coal-burning plant every 2 or 3 weeks to meet their energy needs. The only way renewable/green energy has any growing "pre-existing shift" is through Federal subsidies. I'm all for replacing fossil feuls, when a feasible alternative comes along but not by killing the fossil feul industry before renewable energy technology is ready. When it IS ready, that will happen naturally, by the simple fact that it will be, at that point, more cost efficient than fossil feul.

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
...and, oh yeah, the sweeping automation eliminating the need for most mining jobs?

What fantasy is this? Obama declared war on the fossil feul industry and in his self-declared "war" on coal, crippled the coal industry and eliminated their jobs.

It was not new technology or changes in the industry, it was specifically Barack Obama and his crippling regulation that overtly attempted to destroy the coal industry, almost immediately after he became president.
While still on Fox, Glenn Beck had coal industry executives on for an hour one day, detailing Obama's war on coal, and his deliberate attempt to drive them out of business. Guess which states voted overwhelmingly for Trump, the formerly blue coal states. I think they are in a position to know who took away their jobs.

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
Is a guy whose personal indiscretions have easily resulted in double-digit unplanned pregnancies going to hit the brakes on abortion, without providing sustainable solutions for women's healthcare and irrespective of the abhorrent limitation of civil liberties?

What the hell does that even mean? That seems like a complete abstraction I can connect to nothing, that you just made up on the fly.

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
Is an inner circle of industrialists whose business model is primarily contingent on cheap, expendable labor really going to shut our borders against migrant workers...

In some industries that's true, factory owners want cheap labor. But I've met factory owners who like to share the rewards with their employees and provide good salaries and benefits. In the specific example of the coal industry, they are/were good paying jobs. My grandfather (my mother's father) was a mining engineer.

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
and the critically-needed supply of, say, H1B physicians needed to fill critical doctor shortfalls in mostly red rural counties?

Again: Read STATE OF EMERGENCY by Pat Buchanan, to see many of the liberal media myths about "the necessity of illegal immigrants" destroyed by the facts. Buchanan points out that the 50 poorest counties in the United States are the ones with the highest ratios of illegal immigrants. Because they come in and take the jobs that Americans will do, that employers hire instead because they can hire them under the table for less. Illegals depress wages by working for less, so those jobs become less desireable, or employers don't even look to hire Americans for them.
A congressional study (cited by Buchanan, pages 31-35) looked at the jobs most saturated with illegals. The job they found most saturated with illegals was dry wall in construction. 27% of dry wall jobs at that time were held by illegals. But that still leaves 73% that were held by Americans.

In the case of Chinese/third-world doctors, first off, if they have H1B visas, they're not here illegally. But I also used to work for a company that brought in medical staff from other countries on Visas to fill the void.

But that is a Band-Aid that doesn't fix the problem. The goal while doing that is to (simultaneously, while temporarily using immigrants to fill the gap) incentivize a new generation of Americans to train for those field, so we don't have to bring in foreigners to do them. The quick fix only hurts us over the long term, by not fixing the problem of why suddenly less Americans are training for those fields than previously.

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
I hear this overriding theme of how Trump is somehow our last line of defense against globalism. Being angry about globalism is like being angry about a tornado. Shake your fist and unleash as much profanity as you like, that sumbitch is comin' through with or without your approval.

Previously we had protectionism, tariffs on foreign goods, and a cost to manufacturers who moved overseas to use cheaper labor, at the cost of American jobs. And if manufacturers don't have operations in the U.S., their employees are not in the U.S., so their salaries are not paying taxes in the U.S. or purchasing from local businesses in the U.S., and the factories are not paying taxes in the U.S.
So that shrinks the U.S. economy, all that tax revenue and wages now circulates and grows the economy of China or some other nation.

Conversely, both Gingrich and Santorum in 2012 proposed a "tax holiday" for one year for businesses that took operations from overseas and brought their manufacturing back to the U.S. The 1 year of uncollected revenue would be more than paid for by the many years of factory and individual wages paid in taxes over the many years that followed.

We currently have a system that rewards globalism, and doesn't protect the nation or its workers from unfair competition.

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch

And yeah, it has the potential to completely reshape what we thought was our way of life. But guess what? What we thought was our way of life - the old paradigms of education, 'career' employment, vocational segmentation, and yes, our hallowed 'demographics' - was already obsolete and inadequate, or globalism would never have gained its momentum in the first place.

No again. Our system was fine, until it was kneecapped by a sudden (post-1989) availability of third-world labor in Eastern Europe, China, India, and Southeast Asia. And changes in laws (what Buchanan calls "bipartisan economic treason" by Bill Clinton and both Democrat and Republican branches in the Congress and Senate, all bought off by lobbyist money to pass NAFTA and GATT. That opened the doors to "offshoring" of jobs on a massive scale, and hollowing out America's industrial base, millions of jobs, the former core of America's middle class.

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
Is the fear of something that'll happen anyway with no regard to anyone's sentiments worth hanging onto a guy with no political leadership acumen, with no redeemable character traits pertinent to the office, with no sustainable plan for even the immediate future? Or does it all just wrap around to tribalism, to the all-important "us vs. them" and the alleged barbarians at the notional gates?

There is an inherent condescension in the way you phrase this and much of your combination editorial/question.

Demonstrate to me how Trump is any less trustworthy in character than, say, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and for that matter John Boehner, Mitch McConnel or Paul Ryan?

Trump is a results-oriented guy. He promised things, and he is doing his damnedest to deliver on them. He has already done more in just his first 6 months than any president of my lifetime.

In a corrupt New York system, Trump got his hands dirty to get through the red tape as a real estate developer, to get seemingly impossible things done, that others could not. I see that as a track record that makes him a good potential president, who will similarly overcome obstacles with the same energy and pure willingness to do so. In just his first 6 months, despite all obstruction, from both political sides (sides controlled by lobbyists), Trump has accomplished an incredible amount.

As opposed to the other political figures I listed, who campaigned on one platform, and did something else once elected. These others have political and personal scandals as well. At least Trump is attempting to pursue an economic agenda that is in the long term best interest of the United States. And the long term SOVEREIGNTY of the United States.