Adam Carolla in a mixture of jokes and seriousness, talks about the insignificance of these white supremacist protestors in Charlottesville.
And the disproportionate Social Justice Warrior outrage over civil war statues, in proportion to greater concerns in all our personal lives.

I wouldn't care about Antifa or the Charlottesville protests, except that it yet again manifests a larger growing move toward lawlessness nationwide, where the police stand down and can no longer be trusted to protect us, because THEY are intimidated for doing so. And the intimidation and mischaracterization of ANY conservative free speech, at numerous conservative speaking or black/white events in cities nationwide. Berkeley, Ferguson MO, Baltimore, New York, attacks on Trump supporters at rallies, there is an increasing violence and state/media endorsed threat toward anyone who voices conservative views, where the Left not only views them as bigots, but thinks they are entitled to physically attack them because they think they are bigots. Irony, the double-edge on that bigotry sword.